YogaPilates Fusion – Mums and Bubs
“Bonding and Togetherness with other Mums and Bubs just like you”
Maximise the holistic benefits of YogaPilates Fusion. This small, intimate class
(maximum of 6) nurtures the soul, increases flexibility and bone vitality, whilst providing precious bonding time for mums and bubs.
With a focus on strengthening the core and pelvic floor (after all that hard work!) techniques also address back-aches from nursing, carrying, pushing and lifting.
Drifting into a soft meditation at the end will leave you feeling balanced and empowered to conquer the demands of motherhood.
Available for small groups or one-on-one sessions.
What to bring / know:
Your own, preferred mat, or standard ones are provided.
No shoes during the class.
Water bottle and towel will certainly come in handy.
Bring something your baby feels comfortable with
You can buy your own personal mat from Body & Balance.
Available for purchase on request from $20 – $45
Contact here or Call/Text Jill direct on 0412 422 868